Photo storyboard
over the shoulder: This shows the audience how the characters point of view is and in the picture above it shows that Rakshana (the model for our picture)is feeling sad. birds eye view: This is a view from someone standing above them as shown in the picture above.This portrays that the scene is very important and in this case we can see Rakshana being bullied by Shriya. Low angle shot: This shows the audience whats going to happen slowly,in this case Shriya is going to ''shank'' Rakshana.This view shows us the bully is evil as Shriya is laughing. High angle shot: Portrays whats going on in the scene.So in this picture we can see that Shriya pushed rakshana and is in midway of falling Medium close up:Face to shoulders, another picture of rakshana falling.Audience will see how much pain rakshana has to go through and did(as she fell on the ground many times). Establishing shot: Shows the whole building and shows the bully an...